- Every student should follow the School rules everyday.
- Students should come to school punctually. Those coming to school on their own must reach before the bell rings.
- Morning bell is a signal for all to go to Assembly. Every student must attend the Morning Assembly each day.
- Changing of class-rooms between periods should be done promptly, silently and in orderly manner.
- Students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. They must come to School in prescribed uniform only. Special care should be taken by them about their personal hygiene like cutting of nails and trimming/tying of hair in orderly manner.
- Students should not bring mobile phones, expensive watches, Jewellery, calculators or other gadgets to School. School does not undertake any responsibility in case of loss of such things.
- Shouting or whistling is not allowed in School premises.
- Students should not drive any vehicles. No vehicle driven by a student will be allowed to be parked inside/near the school.
- It is strictly forbidden to throw any thing at any one inside the school premises.
- Firing of crackers in School premises is strictly prohibited.
- Lending or borrowing of other articles is not permitted.
- Students coming to school with their escorts should never leave before the escort arrives.
- The School reserves the right to suspend a student whose academic performance is unsatisfactory of whose conduct, in the opinion of authorities, is harmful for fellow students or teachers.
- Parents/guardians must not reach classroom directly. They should always contact the School Reception for any enquiries.
- No parent/guardian should contact the teacher without seeking prior appointment with the approval of principal. However, teachers can be approached directly on the days fixed for Parent Teachers’ Meetings.
- Students should get their progress Report Cards signed by their parent/guardian within two days of the receipt and return them to the class teacher concerned.
- The name, class and section of the student should clearly be marked on all their belongings such as books, blazers, water bottles etc.
- A student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in this School.
- Late comers, those found indisciplined and those who are not regular in their Home Assignment can be suspender. Strict action will be taken against habitual late comers. They shall be sent back home.
- A student found using unfair means in the examination will be awarded zero in the particular subject and a waning will be issued. Repetition of such an event will result in rustication from the school.
- Students must take care of school property. They should not write or draw on walls or furniture. They should not scratch or spoil the furniture, charts, etc. Damage to school property will be made good by the one who does it. A fine can also be imposed on those found guilty.
- Any damage noticed by a student should be reported immediately even if it is not known who the person involved is .
- Strict measures shall be taken against truants.
- The school shall remain closed on second and fourth Saturdays of every month unless notified otherwise.